We offer design and engineering services for the offshore wind and oil&gas industries or special structures, specializing in complex steel structures and foundations subject to wave, wind and/or mechanical loading. We deliver results from concept design to detailed design and documentation, but also redesign and evaluate existing installations.
Our capabilities cover all critical evaluations (static and dynamic, linear or non-linear) required for structures and non-linear foundation design such as extreme loads, fatigue, modal and dynamic response analysis due to wind, current, and waves; and special high-end analysis for severe accidental loadings such as blast, ship impact, and structural collapse. This includes structures from steel (jackets, topsides) or aluminum (helidecks) andcomposites, with details from rubber (dampers) or plastic (wheels, bearings).
VizionZ Engineering calculates special structures (large/slender) with large deflections for the offshore industry, but also cranes and bridges. Including integrated calculations with hydro-and electro- driving and mechanical detail calculations of cylinders, shafts etc.
For cable laying ships, VizionZ Engineering provides calculations of the deck/ship integrity strength of the equipment structures.
We have experience with a broad range of offshore structures and foundations - monopiles, jackets and tripods or suction can/buckets – all in accordance with the international offshore-specific design codes and checks (EC, DNV and API). And all our work is done with industry standard CAE and FEM tools.
Downloads: VizionZ Engineering BV - Services and Solutions.pdf